How to make a looped cross

I wanted to make a looped cross with shading to show the layers.  The cross on the left is my first stab.  I left the added cross-bars in lavender so they could be seen.  However, this won't allow for good shading to accentuate the layers of the "ribbon."  The cross on the left is a JPG I found online that is my inspiration.  Also, my loops and lines are choppy, not smooth curves and I want the three top loops uniform.  The bottom loop could probably be better shaped, too.

I know that there is probably a better way to do this and get smooth lines and curves and uniformity.  This may be used on a church sign and I know that any little imperfection will become gargantuan when enlarged in real life.

Any suggestions are appreciated!!


  • draw symmetrical cross, two cross-bars and one white rectangle. Apply linear transparency to white rectangle, play with modes, "lighter" must suit. Place white rectangle on top of the cross.
    Select it and cross-bars, twice click and set rotate point to middle of the cross (green point). Make 4 rotates with copies

    • How did you begin the loop?  (Looks like an elongated "9.")  This looks like the simpler way to do it, however, I need the bottom loop to be longer (see my first image on the right in my JPG).  Thanks for your assistance!!


  • Interesting challenge, here my two cents, how I created it my way step by step (I used CorelDRAW 2018 however).

    Result enlarged.

    Here some comments about the steps:

    • First you create a circle and 45 degrees on the right a smaller one. This is the further reference point (RP) during other steps.
    • Rotate large circle around RP 90 degrees with 3 copies.
    • Insert a 3 point ellipse as shown. Pay attention that the circle does not overlap.
    • Insert two little lines as border for segment deletion tool. Delete as shown.
    • Rotate the "paddle" around RP 90 degrees with 3 copies.
    • Move part as shown down.
    • Insert two lines to close both gaps.
    • Set all to a thick line wheigth as desired.
    • Convert to objects.
    • Put a rectangle with no fill behind it.
    • Use the smart fill tool to fill all spaces with fills.
    • Delete the initial symbol.
    • Use the smart fill tool to click into the space where the thick lines were.
    • Delete all fills again and get a the shape of the symbol. Fill it with the desired color.
    • Create 4 rectangles with the gradients.
    • Powerclip them into the symbol.
    • Duplicate the symbol and crop out as shown. Insert the small line pieces to create the woven effect.
    • Move this cropped tile in the center of the symbol to add the woven part.