Art Files Which Have Passed Their Expiration Date...l

I've been creating fine art files in CorelDraw since 1993, and have over 20 years and thousands of hours invested in them. Not to mention several thousand dollars in hardware and software. I've been on disability retirement for almost that long, with VERY limited funds.

My old desktop ran Windows XP Professional, but died a few years ago. I just inherited a laptop running Windows 7, so at last I can again do computer graphics! Except CorelDraw 8 is incompatible with Windows 7. I've downloaded CorelDraw X7 Suite trial version; WAS hoping to be able to afford upgrading.

But I discovered to my dismay that Corel no longer SUPPORTS the older versions of Draw, and has provided no way even ACCESS, let alone import or open those files, even to convert them to a useable format! Their Customer Support essentially told me: “Sorry, bub; we don't support those old useless formats. So get over it: Throw out your artwork! Neither it, nor YOU, are worth the effort of providing you with any way to salvage, import, or update those files. *** happens!”...

...Maybe I should just hang myself in my unheated attic garret... ...SURELY many of you folks have had the same experience, and foolish artists that you are, would kind've liked to still be able to at least LOOK AT your older artwork... I sure hope somebody feels as I do. And unlike Corel, will give me a way to salvage a few thousand hours of passionate work!!

Silly me: I had no idea that fine art has an expiration date, just like beer, eggs, and cheese. LET'S ALL GIVE COREL A GROUP CHEER FOR THEIR CARE AND SUPPORT OF THE ARTISTS WHO HAVE SUPPORTED THEM WITH OUR LIMITED FUNDS FOR SO MANY YEARS!!!

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  • the art hasn't expiration date, but software yes It happens with Windows and same with Mac OS. Programs based on older versions of Windows are no longer available, even we can't install it. CorelDRAW 8 was developed on the Windows 95/98 age, and still can run under Windows Xp. But there was several versions after it (Windows Me, Windows Seven, Windows 8, now Windows 10) all we have the same problem, but it's almost impossible or reasonable to maintain a program with compatibility with all older versions, specially with version that no longer exist since the past century (or the past millenium). same happens with mobile phones, with computers, and with almost all relative with technology. I remember the days when we spend half hour or more for open a file or print. And I dream if we can use a program like CorelDRAW 9 with a powerful multi-core computer but unfortunaley, "compatibilty" is a very complex world

    btw the solution of your problem could be very simple: you can use Virtual PC from Microsoft in order to use your old Windows XP and or CorelDRAW 8: