how to switch off windows7 help and support in corel

Easy way to stop windows7 help and support in corel app

Easy solution if have a Ubuntu disk just boot and delete helpan.exe  

C:/windows/helpan.exe  file on your windows 7 patation

otherwise boot into safe mode

got to  C:/windows

change permissions on file  C:/windows/helpan.exe

then right click and delete.

once reboot back into window and open corel draw that help menu wont pop up when try launch apps


Graeme Brown

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  • To disable Windows 7 Help and Support within Corel software, you can follow these steps:

    Open Corel Software:
    Launch the Corel software that you want to use. The steps may vary slightly depending on the specific Corel product you're using, but the general process is the same.

    Access Options or Preferences:
    Look for an "Options" or "Preferences" menu in your Corel software. This menu is typically found under the "Tools," "Edit," or "File" menu, but it can vary based on the specific Corel product and version.

    Search for Integration Settings:
    In the "Options" or "Preferences" menu, you should find settings related to integration with the operating system, which may include the Help and Support feature. Look for terms like "Windows Integration," "Operating System Integration," or "Online Help."

    Disable Windows Help and Support Integration:
    Within the integration settings, there should be an option to enable or disable Windows Help and Support. Disable this option to turn off the integration between Corel and Windows Help and Support.

    Save Changes and Restart:
    After disabling the Windows Help and Support integration, be sure to save your changes if required by the software. Then, close and restart your Corel software to apply the changes.

    Please note that the exact location of these settings can vary depending on the version of Corel software you are using. If you can't find the specific option to disable Windows Help and Support integration within your Corel software, you may want to refer to the software's documentation or reach out to Corel support for assistance or consider MLOps certification.


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