How to create this kind of design with coreldraw

I have been struggling for long to understand effect used to design the work in this image. Please i would like to be put through on how to achieve it

Here is the image. The rectangle standing as if it is not resting on something.

  • Hi Okeke,

    It's all about the shadow of the cut-out and how it's attached to the original object.

    1.  No shadow and it looks like the cut-out  is on the surface of the original object.

    2.  Shadow attached to original at some point.  It looks like the cut-out is a new object.  This is the normal view.

    3.  Floating cut-out as in your image.  Shadow below object but not attached anywhere.

    The construction of shadows is a very difficult and lengthy subject in perspective.  You can get a start on it from the book "How to Cheat in Photoshop" by Steve Caplin.  It can't be covered by a single post.  You will have to look up tutorials or a book to get details on the subject.

    Here are examples of the above.


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