Macros 101...?

Yes, I searched...  No, I did not find that one definitive thread that was my "Easy Button".

I want/need to learn how to "use" Macros.

I've written code for Autodesk (.lsp) for eons, or in other words - I know how to "Copy / Paste / Tweak" like mad man!  That said, I can make sense of the great code a few cool peeps have sent me and easily recognize the variables to alter accordingly.  The problem is - I need a primer that will show me "where to put 'em, how to invoke them, how to manage them, etc."

I'm NOT looking to have my hand held here...  Just looking for a solid tutorial, or perhaps that ellusive 'go-to thread' one of ya'll will steer me to!

Thanks in advance for those who take the time out of their day for others they'll probably never meet or know...!  (Those are the true mentors).

Hasta Lasagna...  Don't get any on ya...!

  • I've been teaching myself VBA and CorelDRAW API... You have a lot of reference for VBA out there, most of them are for Excel but many principles are shared to other applications too including Corel. To learn CorelDRAW API, the manual and Object Browser going to be your friend. Oh and these useful links: <- Has some tutorials and samples that getting you started <- Shelby's blog has good reference to make your macro more user friendly by creating Dockers and Toolbars <- And this blog, taught you some advanced thing with Corel and VBA.... whoever the author is, thank you so much.

    Also some sites that provide free macros you can took and learn from.. also has some free macros you can check out..