Anyone seen this error?

Has anyone seen this error message in Wilcom e1.5 Level 3? I can't find anything on Google.

Thanks in advance.

Frank Olivio


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  • This error message indicates that EmbroideryStudio e1.5 hasn't been installed properly so that the connection to CorelDRAW X4 is not present.

    Have you checked for the plugin file "CorelWPL.cpg" that is mentioned in the error message?
    In a proper installation of the Wilcom e1.5 software it should be in the installation directory of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 (C:\Program Files\Corel\CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4\Draw\Plugins). Is it there?
    If not I would recommend reinstalling EmbroideryStudio e1.5 so that this connector can be installed properly.

    Best regards,
