Has anyone seen this error message in Wilcom e1.5 Level 3? I can't find anything on Google.
Thanks in advance.
Frank Olivio
This error message indicates that EmbroideryStudio e1.5 hasn't been installed properly so that the connection to CorelDRAW X4 is not present.
Have you checked for the plugin file "CorelWPL.cpg" that is mentioned in the error message? In a proper installation of the Wilcom e1.5 software it should be in the installation directory of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 (C:\Program Files\Corel\CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4\Draw\Plugins). Is it there?If not I would recommend reinstalling EmbroideryStudio e1.5 so that this connector can be installed properly.
Best regards,Klaus
Thank you for your response. I was able to repair the problem by rebooting the PC and opening Draw using F8, then resetting the Workspace to Wilcom. Evidentally the user changed the Workspace and Wilcom will not launch Draw if the Workspace has been modified. I'm the Corel guy here and I use a series of heavily modified Workspaces, so I never try to access Draw from Wilcom. To bad they can't make it work the way it should.
Thanks again,
Frank Olivio863-683-5487
We get the same error message but we have the Bernina 6 software with CorelDraw Essentials as part of the package. We would like to use the CorelDraw Graphics Suite 4x with Bernina 6 software. I spoke with customer support at the OESD/ Wilcom and they said to un-install the Bernina software and the CorelDraw Graphics Suite 4x then reinstall the Bernina first then the CorelDraw Graphics Suite 4x and the Corel 4x should overwrite the Essentials software in the Bernina package. OESD support stated this fix came straight from Corel. Tried this and it did not work anyone have a suggestion?
James Palmire
I am using Decostudio e1 and with CorelDRAW X3....
I saw and checked that file is still there where it pointed to be... but still graphic mode doesn't work and same message appear all times i started it....
go through with the way told by Folivio... but couldn't get it worked yet....