Example Tool Design.

Hi all,

Just thought I'd share this recent project to design a custom tool, in this case a wrench for optical applications.

Total project time was about a day, including three stages of prototyping and tool development, and the tool itself is composite plastic with brass and steel inserts. It's intended for assembly and disassembly of electro-optical components. 

This is mostly designed with extruded circles, added and subtracted, with some loft to create conical areas and there's heavy use of the fillet function. The circular indents, intended to provide finger-grips, are created through a simple cylinder with circular patterns. 

A lot of use of CCS  ( Custom Co-ordinate System ) made installing other panels and faces quite easy.

It's probably a good example of what a moderate beginner can achieve quickly with the application after just a few weeks of semi-regular use.




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