welding line segments

I have a simple 2d design that was constructed using several line segments. I have not been able to figure out how to weld the individual segments into one singe segment. When I extruded the item it left a hollow void. Only the lines extruded when it was suppose to extrude to a .125" plate. Any ideas what im doing wrong here?


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  • Just to make sure everyone is on the same page here, I am using corelcad not coreldraw. As far as I knew the only options I had to combine individual line segments was to use the weld, or edit polyline function. an example of my problem is this. If i make a rectangle and fillet the corners i can then extrude the entity and i have a nice plate with filleted edges. Now, lets say i have 4 circles setup in a square pattern and I want to connect them using 4 single line segments and then i trim the circles to give me a box with rounded corners. I am left with 8 individual segments. 4 lines and 4, 1/4 circles that form the box. If I extrude these 8 segments I end up with an extruded border and not an extruded plate because the segments are not joined into one. Is there a reason why I cant join these together? obviously I wouldnt build an extruded box using the later of the two methods but it is the simplest way to explain the scenario.