This forum isn't helping the community because of it's poor design.

Hi Corel ( And Klaus ! Happy new year ! ) -

I just want to point out that this forum has gone from useful to terrible - It's getting harder and harder to find, and maybe the forum suits all the arty CorelDraw users, but it makes it a pain to visit here without a bookmark and people I refer to come here just give up after losing their way in your navigation system.

I don't know if you realize it, but your technical users and your CorelDraw users are NOT THE SAME.  They don't want the same things and they don't want the same formats. And you've buried them right at the bottom of a series of difficult-to-find menus that almost need a "help" bar at the top.

There is a lot of helpful knowledge in the CorelCAD section, but it's lost to the issues this forum has - 

I love CorelCAD and I am a user of CorelDRAW since version 2 ( The original version 2, not X2 ) and I even have CorelCAD from pre-2000. Yet somehow this great application is hidden so well that you do yourselves no favors from a marketing perspective - remember, people I refer here are never posting, or probably joining - that's a real shame. Most likely because they can't find this place.

If you want to bury this forum under layers of poorly thought-out baffles intended to keep everyone but your hard-core customers out, well, you've succeeded and done a very good job of it too.

But it's clear that being able to type in and get something useful is no longer an option. Heck, even doesn't exist -  and on your corelcad page -  I can't even find a link to community support - What happened to your marketing department? Did they all go to a competitor? 

Corel, I was a technology journalist and reviewer of your application for four years last century and enjoyed reviewing your product and seeing the support you lavished on your applications - it was great.... But except for Klaus's ever helpful presence on this forum, you've failed to look after your customers, or your own interests... You seriously need to re-evaluate your online marketing strategy because this sucks !

Love the products, lifetime user,

David Kitson. 

( Klaus, I know you're the only one who cares, who watches over these pages... Can you please ensure my complaint gets forwarded to the appropriate department within Corel ? Thanks - And thanks again for all the help - You personally make the product 1000% better - The difference between being unusable and being exceptional )

p.s. The forum is broken - paste in a URL to a webpage and it tries to show it as an image, screwing up the display at the same time...  It needs to look for the filename extension if you're going to include those kinds of smarts in the application - 

  • I don't know if you realize it, but your technical users and your CorelDraw users are NOT THE SAME.  They don't want the same things and they don't want the same formats. And you've buried them right at the bottom of a series of difficult-to-find menus that almost need a "help" bar at the top.

    I suspect there is someone on here that likes the new format, but even among the "arty CorelDraw users," (I am a CD user and I am neither a CorelCAD user nor am I arty) I doubt there are two people that like the new format. It's obtuse, mobile browsing sucks, answering questions on my mobile takes extreme patience...and faith. Because I use an on-screen keyboard on the phone when I am answering, I cannot even see what I am typing--hence having faith it will make sense at all.

    When the new format went live there were several, long threads about the change. Not much that was positive was written in those threads.


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