New version for 2017

I see there is now CorelCAD 2017. Can anyone tell me what's new from the 2016 version? Will it still run on Windows 7?

Corel's website doesn't have a "what's new" chart.

Thanks, John

  • Just gave CorelCAD 2017 a run - I can't believe how bad it is. Within a few minutes, I was running to delete it from the system - test application or not.

    What's with the displaying of information next to the mouse? Seriously, I only have 3 large screens and a VR setup, and I don't really need to go looking very far to find my cursor, or the command window. What I don't want is obscuring stuff all over my screen - It's very confusing, and once you get to use the program a lot, you rely a lot of the command structure - and seeing a lot of meaningless stuff come up on the screen while typing in a command - Seriously, I don't care what the co-ordinates I am using are, I can see where I'm supposed to go, and nobody uses approximate screen co-ordinates for any serious engineering - they enter them manually. Worse, it drags my eyes from the command window which is needed when anything other than the default command parameters are used - which makes it incredibly confusing to use.

    Now, new features that appear to come out of desperation to do something new are bad enough, but this is terrible - and there's no apparent way to turn it off !

    I'd definitely give CorelCAD 2017 only 1 out o 10 for this - Go back to CorelCAD 2016. It's cheaper too!
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