Corel has abandoned CorelCAD. Sad day, but not surprising given that Corel destroyed the CAD forum a long time ago.

Klaus, just want to thank you for your support if you are still around. You were incredibly helpful over the years and your assistance with this product is very very much appreciated.

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For those who get the Graebert offer, please consider two things.

1) Graebert don't fix their bugs, and they make a LOT of bugs in their product. New versions often have the bugs fixed, but that means you pay for bug fixes and get more bugs in the process.

2) Graebert is only offering yearly licenses to Corel users, not perpetual license discounts like they offer to every other CAD user... It's a bit of an "Up Yours" by Graebert to CorelCAD users, which is a shame.

Sad to see this product go - I liked it. It was really taking off back when we had the old Forum, then the execs at Corel somehow decided to destroy their brand and created this forum which has ridiculous security, poor design and makes it impossible for new users to find support for CorelCAD. As though they think CorelCAD users will just start using CorelDRAW! ( I use both, but CorelDRAW is not fit for purpose for cad applications ).

But CorelCAD was good. I liked it and while it was obvious it was never going to be Solidworks, it was far more reasonably costed and allowed perpetual licenses.

Did they ever make a CorelCAD 2024 or was 2023 the last in the series? I would love to know since I only recently bought CorelCAD 2023 from Corel and feel a little cheated by the late news, especially as it has a lot of serious bugs :(

The only question I have is what is going to happen to our licenses now when we reinstall? Is that even going to be possible? CorelCAD checks back with Corel. Might be time to start asking for the printed licenses rather than the online versions.

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