Exporting to .cgm I get outlined halo

When I export to a cgm file the callout halo shows up with an outline. This happens in a program called IADS. If I drop the cgm into word the callouts and connector lines do not show up at all. Is there a reason it does that? Also some text will show up doubled or tripled sometimes when converted. If I delete that text re enter it and convert its fine.  I hope someone can help since not to many company's use cgm format anymore. Thanks in advance.

  • It has to be cgm in the end though. We use technical illustrator by autotrol now and it may have been good in its day but its horrible now. We are trying to get away from that program and found corel. It's a great program but it has its quirks too. I hope I can find a fix for this without having to purchase another program.
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