Technical Suite vs Draw Suite for graphic design

Hi im not a corel user. Im looking into corel heavily. Im an adobe user who had become dissatisfied. Im looking for alternatives to adobe. I have not trialed any corel software yet but will in near future. Im always looking to expand my horizons which is why ive slightly gotten into web, apps and interaction design. Who knows maybe 3d will be the future of graphic design dont know yet.

My question is for graphic design work would Desiger x6 be of much use? Is it worth paying 500$ more for? I see you can upgrade draw into technical draw. Also see you can flatten 3d objects and easily get them into draw which could be handy if you have a complex 3d object you want several angels of maybe for reoccurring clients/projects.

Any thoughts?

Is it overkill?

For graphic design I know Painter is over kill and Paint Shop maybe over kill.


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  • CorelDRAW Technical Suite with Corel DESIGNER is primarily for creating technical illustrations and other technical communication elements. Unless you want to repurpose 3D designs (that's what XVL Studio 3D Corel Edition is included for in CorelDRAW Technical Suite) the CorelDRAW Graphics Suite product package should provide you with all the features you require for (creative) graphic design.

    You can find a feature comparison of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite and Technical Suite here.

    ...and as you said - you can always upgrade CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 to the extended technical functionality with CorelDRAW Technical Pack. So there is no risk in starting with CorelDRAW Graphics Suite while you're not sure if Corel DESIGNER and XVL Studio will be of use for our graphic design tasks.
