Dimensions on PhotoPaint


I already use PhotoPaint since version 3 and this never has happened before. I download the photos from the camera and I resample the dimensions for 100mm x 150mm and 300 dpi, because that's the size that I want to print them. Then I save them in "jpg". However, since I installed Corel X6 when you reopen the pictures they present the dimensions of 259mm x 140mm and 180 dpi.

I've already tried verything with no result. I am thinking seriously, go back to a previous version of Corel (13 for example).

However, I recently discovered that if I save the pictures first in CPT and then save them to jpg, the dimensions 10cmx15cm and 300 dpi resolution remain, but this makes no sense, because in no other version of PhotoPaint this was necessary .

Does anyone know why this happens and how to solve the problem? Thanks for any help you can give me.