Corel DRAW X6 suddenly stopped working after a year of use

About two weeks ago Corel X6 stopped working, and I can't repair it, uninstall it, or reinstall it.  Is this common?  How do I fix it?  I'm running it on Windows 8 on a recent Lenovo Ideapad.

  • Hi,
    I had a similar problem with X5. I never did find the cause of the trouble.
    However, I was able to uninstall it from the disk and then install it again.
    In general, I have found that one gets a better uninstall from a program
    disk. Windows uninstall via Control Panel leaves a lot of junk behind.
    Good luck.
    PS: On my HP computer, one can get a diagnostic check of the computer by
    constantly tapping on the f2 key just after hitting the start button. I
    believe that this has become standard for Windows but the f key varies with
    the computer manufacturer. You can also get a complete check and repair of
    all the Windows operating system files by using sfc.exe/scannow as Harry
    London posted. If you can't find his post, look up sfc on the internet.
    CAUTION: Don't download anything. It's all built into Windows. I've had a
    few disasters by downloading programs which were going to speed up my
    PPS: If you're not familiar with Restore Points, then you should learn all
    about them. They can be a life saver.
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