
i am trying to create guideline with below mentioned code on outside of the page on all 4 side of 0.5mm exactly but unable to  make it complete please help me

Sub label()

Dim D As Document

Dim p As PageSize

Dim x As Long, y As Long

Dim l As String

Dim n As Double

ActiveDocument.Unit = cdrMillimeter 'change to units desired

n = -0.5 'equals 1/2"

'------------------------ Undo Group Start ------------------------

ActiveDocument.BeginCommandGroup "Undo action description"

Optimization = True

EventsEnabled = False


ActiveDocument.PreserveSelection = False

l = ActiveLayer.Name

x = ActivePage.SizeWidth - n

y = ActivePage.SizeHeight - n

ActivePage.Layers("Guides").CreateGuideAngle x, y, 0 ' Horizontal

ActivePage.Layers("Guides").CreateGuideAngle x, y, 90 ' Vertical

x = ActivePage.SizeWidth - ActivePage.SizeWidth + n

y = ActivePage.SizeHeight - ActivePage.SizeHeight + n

ActivePage.Layers("Guides").CreateGuideAngle x, y, 0 ' Horizontal

ActivePage.Layers("Guides").CreateGuideAngle x, y, 90 ' Vertical


EventsEnabled = True

Optimization = False




'------------------------ Undo Group End ------------------------



End Sub

No Data
  • One way to do this would be to write a function for creating four guidelines offset from the edges of the page:

    Function create_guidelines_offset_from_page(ByVal Offset_Dist As Double, ByVal Offset_Units As cdrUnit) As ShapeRange
    Dim dblOffsetDocUnits As Double
    Dim srGuidesCreated As New ShapeRange
        'get offset in document units
        dblOffsetDocUnits = ActiveDocument.ToUnits(Offset_Dist, Offset_Units)
        'horizontal, top
        srGuidesCreated.Add ActiveLayer.CreateGuide(ActivePage.LeftX, ActivePage.TopY + dblOffsetDocUnits, ActivePage.RightX, ActivePage.TopY + dblOffsetDocUnits)
        'horizontal, bottom
        srGuidesCreated.Add ActiveLayer.CreateGuide(ActivePage.LeftX, ActivePage.BottomY - dblOffsetDocUnits, ActivePage.RightX, ActivePage.BottomY - dblOffsetDocUnits)
        'vertical, left
        srGuidesCreated.Add ActiveLayer.CreateGuide(ActivePage.LeftX - dblOffsetDocUnits, ActivePage.TopY, ActivePage.LeftX - dblOffsetDocUnits, ActivePage.BottomY)
        'vertical, right
        srGuidesCreated.Add ActiveLayer.CreateGuide(ActivePage.RightX + dblOffsetDocUnits, ActivePage.TopY, ActivePage.RightX + dblOffsetDocUnits, ActivePage.BottomY)
        If srGuidesCreated.Count > 0 Then
            Set create_guidelines_offset_from_page = srGuidesCreated
        End If
    End Function

    You could then write much smaller subs to use that function, where you could specify the size of the offset (which would be a negative number if you want the guidelines inside the page) and the units for the offset. Because the function returns a shaperange, you can also do other things with the shapes, such as moving them to a specific layer, selecting them, etc.:

    Sub test_guides_offset_from_page_Alfa()
    Dim sr As ShapeRange
        Set sr = create_guidelines_offset_from_page(5, cdrMillimeter)
        sr.MoveToLayer ActivePage.GuidesLayer
    End Sub

    Sub test_guides_offset_from_page_Bravo()
    Dim sr As ShapeRange
        Set sr = create_guidelines_offset_from_page(1, cdrInch)
        sr.MoveToLayer ActivePage.GuidesLayer
    End Sub

    Sub test_guides_offset_from_page_Charlie()
    Dim sr As ShapeRange
        Set sr = create_guidelines_offset_from_page(-0.75, cdrCentimeter)
        sr.MoveToLayer ActivePage.GuidesLayer
    End Sub

    This post is really just about creating the guidelines. If I were going to give this to my users, then I would add additional code to make it safer, nicer, and more convenient (e.g., error handling, a command group for a single Undo, optimization).
