Corel Draw is soooooo wonderful that.....

 This useless joke of a software crashed 6 no 8 times today 5 times friday 4 or 5 times on thursday I dont care to think about the beggining of last week. YEAH THIS SOFTWARE IS WONDERFUL Makes me wonder what the hell Im using it for.... Oh yeah I dont have a choice. Laughable huh? Yeah whats more.... EVERYONE blames my system HA! My system is solid. Strange how CORELDRAW WAS CRAP on 3 other machines and countless versions except 12. Version 7 and up to X4 Suck...... whats the X for ?10?  NO its a warning LOL!!!!

I dont require a reply. Just needed to express my frustration and let those who are not familiar with Corel know to think twice before Blowing thier hard earned $$$$$$

Suport? what suport hahahahah