I try to draw the following drawing using vector abilities.Of course, I could Quick trace the bitmap picture, or draw over the bitmap but I would like draw new pictures, so I need to use the right tools or features to create new perspective drawings.
I tried to use Extrude, and blend, but up to date, I have not found the correct method to draw such pictures with vector facilities. .Does it exists efficient way to draw it than drawing it line by line ? Maybe someone could help me.
I would like to share some of my (very basic) mediaval drawings and think the gallery could be a good place but I don't find how to do it ? Is the galery free? Is the gallery only for corel staff ? If not, how could I share my drawings ?
Hi Louis,
ok, I'll start the ball rolling with a basic stick figure type of image...then we can progress from there. I really like your medieval drawings, by the way. To draw in perspective you need to set up a few vanishing point grids, which will vary depending on the apparent viewpoint you wish to portray. If you use the Extrude tool instead you can lock the vanishing point to the page and have a shared vanishing point. This means you can move different extruded shapes around the screen and you will see different angles and different sides of each shape depending on where you move it on the page.
Best regards,Brian
Take a look at the attached file, I saved it as an X3 file so more people can view it and the file size is a lot smaller. Click on the front face of the building on the left hand side if the image. Using your Arrow Keys move it further to the left (off the page even) and then move it to the right. Watch the shadow side of the building change.
You can also move it to the bottom or top of the image too. If you move it downwards you should start to see the roof of the building.
Hi Brian,
This is an excellent discussion -- it covers a technique that I've been looking for in CDR.
How did you get the "ladder" in your first image to use the vanishing point? I tried:
When I extruded my "ladder" I got a weird extruded shape that didn't look anything like yours.
How did you do the shadows of the "ladder"? Are they two separate "shadow" shapes?
Hi Brian, Thank you very much.
Unfortunatly, the drawing is not from me, it is a scan from "Encyclopédie médiévale" from "Violet-Le-Duc". There are thousands wonderfull drawings in there".
I got this firts step as you can see. I put the color green with shiding with two bulb, and vanishing point in the circle. Very nice effect indeed. Unfortunatly, I only have X5, so I don't know how to save in X3 format. Now my problem is when I want to put them on a semicircular path ???.More or less, the face of the top block "becomes " the top of the lower block, and I'm lost.
Please go ahead with next lesson
Hi Ken,
I made that image back in 2005 when I first started getting more interested in playing with CorelDraw. Each part of the ladder is a separate shape, i.e. each vertical pole and each wrung on the ladder. The same with the shadow, that was drawn one piece at a time
The trick here is to decide upon a vanishing point and then make sure each component that is imitating depth runs on a guide which ultimately goes to that vanishing point. I have illustrated this by drawing those lines in Cyan for you, showing how I originally made that image. The image below only has one vanishing point as the rest of the image is vertical and horizontal. Other perspectives are not so simple and use 2 or 3 vanishing points. I will find one I have done in the past and add the vanishing point guideliness, as I did here, to show you.