Is there a way to keep picture files external, keep them from being imbedded in CDR?

  • Heres a few tips from me.

    1. If you are intending to use linked images make damned sure you know where they are kept. If you break the link you cannot remake it
    2. Never Ever save the file AFTER printing. Draw has a bad habit of embedding the files at print time. So save prior to printing and then Revert after. Saving to PDF is effectively printing too so same applies.
    3. Don't try and mess with the on screen display of linked images, they will be poor and often show a weird unequal x and y dpi. Live with it
    4. Don't attempt to use "Collect For Output", it wont work.

    I have quite a few photo heavy portfolio files in which I exclusively use linked images, it works but I had to learn the hard way.

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