"Crossgrades" ???

OK, both a question and discussion. Years ago Corel abandoned the Mac platform. Now they are back. Great. Those of us who kept CorelDraw in a VM running windows can now stop doing that, but I'm really irked that if I want to move the software back to the native platform of choice for me (Mac OS X), I can't upgrade from CorelDraw 2018 and have to do a full purchase again (or go to the subscription model).

Corel, come on, can you please reconsider this and offer an upgrade for those of us who didn't want to move to Windows to run CorelDraw, but were forced to do so? 


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  • I use only a single platform (Windows), but I wholly agree with both wbrisett & Bobby H.

    First, there should be a cross-grade option at the same price as upgrading if nothing else. However, dual-platform licenses for a single user is pretty much normal for applications that run on multiple OSs. 

    Corel is doing a disservice to existing Mac customer running in a VM.

    I hope this gets rectified.

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