Printing to a postscript file and no file name ??

Printing to a postcript file from the print dialogue box, and when the "save as" box comes up, there is no file name in the file name line. What!?!?

I must have my postscript files match precisely my file name. How could this feature be gone?? I have to manually name my print file? That's like exporting a jpg but having to name your jpg each time...


Parents Reply
  • That worked~!


    The naming for one of those subs may seem goofy, and it's because I'm following the naming that is used in the API. That's why the dialog shows "Tags", but my macro sub shows "Keywords". In the API, it's Document.Metadata.Keywords.

    The reason that I am using the document Title rather than the FileName is because Title can get the filename (if the document has been saved) or "Untitled-1" or similar (if the document hasn't been saved). In contrast, FileName doesn't get you anything until the document has been saved.

    The fact that there are both Document.Title and Document.Metadata.Title is another possible source of confusion.

    If you are going to use that one sub a lot for getting the filename for PostScript files, just put it on a button somewhere convenient, or assign a keyboard shortcut to it.

  • You can put the .GMS file there, or you can put it in the appropriate "user" folder. I mention both of those options here: #1: Getting started with using VBA macros (What do you do with a .GMS file?).

    There is also a YouTube video that I think covers installation in the "user" folder quite well: