What does this mean?

I just stumbled upon THIS LINK which is part says of CorelDraw, "Later this year, upgrades (download and box products) will no longer be available. Add Upgrade Protection to your purchase to get future versions at a fraction of the cost or choose a subscription, to always stay current." I did not take part in the webinar from earlier today, which I assume detailed what will happen later this year. Does anyone know? Does this mean Corel is moving to a subscription-only model for Draw? Am I correct to assume that anyone who has a licensed product before a subscription-only model begins will be able to keep that license, to use that version, regardless of his or her subscription status?

Thanks for your time.

Parents Reply
  • The link provided by at the start of this thread as well as the link in his reply to Bob, is from the official Corel page/source. It is not good online etiquette to imply about' fake news' ... and 

    'incorrect assumptions' - These plans/offers are intentionally worded this way, vague and ambiguous, so the reader would draw 'incorrect assumptions' This is the corporate standard method so the company stays protected in case of any legal issues that may result from any such statements the company makes.

    Words such as Premium, Protection etc are used to play on the psyche of the customer. Again purely to either give the customer a sense of belonging to some exclusive club or build a sense of insecurity about what would happen in the future if they didn't buy the plan now.

    If at any point of time in the future,if things should come to a head or legal complications, the company will be able to reinterpret the same words to their advantage.That is the corporate way of doing things.

    If Corel had wanted to be clear, which they could have been if they had intended to, we would not even have this discussion!
