Corel Draw 2019 - Super slow file opening and editing - Very unstable


I am running Corel Draw 2019 on Windows 10 and have yet come across another mind-numbing issue. I am working in a file just fine, then I perform an action, such as import or transparency, and I get the spinney wheel of death. Go to Task manager and Corel is not responding. Sometimes it will eventually perform the action after an extended period of time (4-5 minuets) or nothing at all. Force quit. Save Auto backup of file when I reopen the program and then every action takes forever, if at all. This is very frustrating. Any insight would be most helpful. Thank you!

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  • Hi.

    I have use CD for a very long time and not found anything like that You may need to look at your memory and hard drive capacity. Technically, I think CD CP CC are great. They lack in proper support and have turned into spam conduits for Corel to spam your desktop with their deals, special offers and other annoying stuff. The program is great but how it is used to tunnel into your system to force messages onto you is criminal. Since they stated I have not upgraded as I did every 2 years.

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