Feature request - Export SVG options dialog position

Every time I File | Save As | <.svg>, the following SVG Export options dialog is further to the right, and further down the display, eventually, to the point that the OK button is off screen.

Cannot this dialog simply be made to appear at the same position every time it is activated?

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  • It's 2020 october, Corel still hasn't fixed this idiotic problem. I have been annoyed to death by moving the dialog away since I need to export thousands of SVG's. I contacted Corel on this issue countless times, but as expected, support replies with nonsense copy/paste responses: reset the settings, reinstall, etc.

    One day Corel will learn a lesson that small but annoying problems will drive away users from the software. Count those many who will not subscribe to community.coreldraw.com so their opinion will never be heard on-line...

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