snow, rain and others

before there was a function to represent rain, snow and others . Where is this command now in the 2019 version?

  • Hi Ariel , Check this video please and you’ll see it
    Best regards!!
    Lluís Callejón i Font
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    De: Ariel <>
    Enviado el: sábado, 17 de agosto de 2019 12:18
    Asunto: RE: [CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2019 for Windows] snow, rain and others



    Update from CorelDRAW Community


    The question is : In the x7 versión you could make an image with rain, snow and other effects. That function does not exits on 2019 verision. Or better said, I can't ind it.

    Where do you create it on X7? the two places I could imagine are the basic shapes tool or insert character (Ctrl+F11)

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