vector effect blurring


long time Coreldraw user, slightly dismayed by the 2019 release...

In previous versions I could use the effects/transform/invert colour option on a vector object to quickly generate required objects. Now when I use this option in 2019, the object gets transformed and the edges are blurred as though it is converted to a bitmap. After this I can no longer change its colour etc. the final outputs are blurred too. I need to retain the vector objects

how do I get it to work as older versions? 


Parents Reply
  • thanks. Is there any way to force it to revert to the old way?

    I don't know of a way to make this work the same in 2019 as it does in previous versions. If it's something I had to do very often, then I might consider trying to write a macro to "individually" invert colors on the shapes.

    I think that the best you can do is to understand that it works differently in 2019, and then use different workflows as necessary to "work around" that change in behavior. Others in this thread have suggested some different workarounds.

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