CDR File Wont Open. Why?

So I was in the middle of making a design and it was running slow, but that's to be expected with all the nodes and effects I was using with my set up. I was making a few changes as it was mostly done and then all of my Gaussian blur effects disappeared. I started to redo the effects thinking it was just a little glitch but it happened again and then I noticed that the Ggaussian blur effects were still there but it had copied the original object without the blur effect. But all of the gaussian blur effects were extremely difficult to interact with. They are very difficult to select to delete or move around. 

I decided after a bunch of back and forth for like a half hour that I would just restart the program and reopen it to see it that would help with this issue. But now the file wont open. It doesnt say the file is corrupted but it's stuck with the processing bar fully green at the bottom of the UI and its not opening the file. The Back Up File acts in the same way and opening the file after a restart on two different computers and has the same results.

What's going on here? Do I have to start from scratch?

Parents Reply
  • This is the first time I've had pseudo-corrupted files like this and we're about 6 months into using it.

    I have not personally had problems with corrupted files in CorelDRAW, but I have occasionally heard from other users who have.

    Even if it happens very rarely, it's a nightmare for someone who works on very complicated projects where they have everything in one file, where one corrupt file could cost them multiple days worth of work.

    For people who work that way, I recommend setting up something like FreeFileSync to create and maintain a "mirror with versions" of all of the folders they care about for a project, and then making it a point to run that job at sensible intervals when working on that project.

    Every time the FreeFileSync job is run, the mirror is updated to match the working folders, and any updated or deleted files are saved with time stamps appended to the filenames. If disaster strikes in form of a high-value file getting corrupted, one can just look back through older versions to find a pre-corruption version of it.

    Even in the absence of file corruption, that provides some ability to "turn back the clock", which can be the easiest way to fix some types of problems.

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