Fitted Text Inside Shape Shifted or Changed Text Size?

So we just had a job returned because the final prints were missing text in the original proof we provided. Sure enough that was the case. Returning to the files the text on the graphic was shifted. I'm unsure what happened and I guess I'm here to ask if this is a thing that has happened to others or if it was human error. I'll provide images to show explicitly what happened.

This is the original proof image.

This is how it opened up later in Corel.

The differences are subtle unless you look closely. Basically the last few names in each number got cropped out because they no longer fit inside the shapes.

My first thought was that the text size got bigger for some reason and no longer fit all the text, but I've never seen that happen. Perhaps the entire graphic was sized down slightly and the text didn't adjust with it? Another thought was that the font used got updated slightly with a new file and it just doesn't fit the same as it did before? Or maybe Corel just isn't reading it the same as it used to, Ive definitely experienced that before especially when opening older files or files from previous versions.

Just wanna get some thought and advice on this so I can work around it in the future so it doesn't happen again.