Metal Textures

Anyone have a quick and easy way to make metal textures? For example, the kind you would find on the armor plates of, say, the Millennium Falcon, which I imagine would have an unfinished rough appearance that would look slightly pebbled and pitted, but nothing over the top or super memory-intensive (the way vector and post-script fills seem to be). Really just looking for a way to add a weathered appearance.

I've gone through the metal textures and various settings, and so far, nothing looks quite right. Hoping that one of the more experienced users will have a tip for creating that rough finish in battleship gray.

Parents Reply
  • How much memory does that eat up, though?

    Not sure but guess it could have an impact if you use a high resolution texture bitmap with large objects.
    Maybe you don't need a huge bitmap to get a natural look?

    I'd give it a try to see if it is an acceptable solution.

    Download some texture bitmaps.
    Locate a suitable source bitmap from the Edit Fill dialog and play with the different settings.
    Use Blend, Edge match and Mirror, as well as the different Transformation options to get it right.
