Metal Textures

Anyone have a quick and easy way to make metal textures? For example, the kind you would find on the armor plates of, say, the Millennium Falcon, which I imagine would have an unfinished rough appearance that would look slightly pebbled and pitted, but nothing over the top or super memory-intensive (the way vector and post-script fills seem to be). Really just looking for a way to add a weathered appearance.

I've gone through the metal textures and various settings, and so far, nothing looks quite right. Hoping that one of the more experienced users will have a tip for creating that rough finish in battleship gray.

Parents Reply
  • Yeah, I've been trying to use more of the two-color pattern fills (as a way to prevent file bloat), but there's not many to choose from.

    You can create your own Two-color pattern fills.

    In my experience, newly created ones do not become immediately available. I need to close, then reopen CorelDRAW in order to see the new ones.

    Unlike Vector pattern fills and Bitmap pattern fills, the Two-color pattern fills are not stored as independent files. They are all baked into one file (e.g., C:\Users\Eskimo\AppData\Roaming\Corel\CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2021\Custom Data\patterns.bpt). They don't get the same "asset management" treatment as Vector and Bitmap pattern fills (names, keywords, ability to create aliases to folders, etc.).

    So, if you are creating your own Two-color pattern fills, I would recommend keeping the original content that you used to create them, so that you can easily go back and create them again in the future if you need to. The way that the fills are created, it would be easy to have one CorelDRAW file containing source material for creating dozens of different custom fills.

    As an aside, you can create your own Vector and Bitmap pattern fills, too.
