In the past (30 years) of using Coreldraw it was effortless and easy to re-arrange the order of layers in what is now called the "Object" panel (stupid name if you ask me! - should be "Layers"). You just dragged the chosen layer to where you wanted it in the stack. Easy and intuitive. As far as I can see, not anymore! The only way I now can see of doing this is to copy and paste the chosen layer (renaming it to remove the "Copy of" layer title and then deleting the original layer. Which idiot in "Coreldraw coding land" thinks this is a better way than the previous? All I get now is layers opening up and showing all their contents when dragging down (or up) the stack. Useless IMHO. Anyone care to enlighten me the error of my ways or what has changed and I'm doing wrong to achieve what was effortless previously!
Dragging and Dropping the Layers to reorder them works in 2022.
Thanks Shelby. It's what used to happen but no longer! (it's been like this for a while) I don't get the blue line between the layers anymore. It just opens up the layers and shows the object contents (not what I'm after and I not of any use) I will say some of my files can have up to 50 layers
OK, I've found out the problem. In the drawings with 50 layers, almost all are locked, so I cant drag the layer through the locked layers. If I unlock them all (bit of a pain) then it does work! Didn't previously work like this. Must be another of those bright ideas from the Corel boffins who obviously don't use the app in the same way as me :)
You should be able to reoder locked layers also.
This is the problem Shelby. This function (that used to work easily) now, no longer works! and I'm assuming, by the lack of any further comments, that this is a unique problem to me.
I get many files that have multiple locked "shapes". I created a macro to "unlock all shapes" in one sweep. Probably could make a similar macro to "unlock all layers". this works with X7.
Sub UnlockAllLayers()Dim p As Page, l As Layer For Each p In ActiveDocument.Pages For Each l In p.AllLayers If l.Editable = False Then l.Editable = True End If Next l Next pEnd Sub