Guideline to X coord Macro

I'm trying to create a macro that will pop up a input box where you can enter the x coord and create a vertical guideline at that location. So far I can get the input to pop up, but after that I get no errors but the guideline is not created. Here's the code I'm currently using. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Sub CreateGuidelineAtXCoord()
Dim xCoord As Double
Dim activePage As Page

' Get the active page
Set activePage = ActiveDocument.activePage

' Prompt the user for the X-coordinate
xCoord = InputBox("Enter X-coordinate for the guideline:", "Create Guideline")

' Check if the user entered a valid number
If IsNumeric(xCoord) Then
' Create a vertical guideline at the specified X-coordinate
activePage.CreateGuideline cdrVerticalGuideline, xCoord
' Display a message if the user entered an invalid X-coordinate
MsgBox "Invalid X-coordinate entered. Please enter a numeric value.", vbExclamation, "Macro Error"
End If
End Sub

  • On theme with this macro,  I've made a move object to x-coords which works very well.  However for the macro I made to move an object to y-coord half works.  Just like the move object to x-coords macro,  it centres the object to the x value.  But this code will not,  it is always out by the height of the object,  eg,  object dim is 100 x 100mm.  I send it to 300 and it will land centred at 400mm.  Any suggestions would be very helpful,  Here is the code for move object to y coord.  If you want the move object to x-coord code just let me know if it helps.

    Sub MoveObjectToYCoordCentered()
    Dim targetYCoordInMillimeters As Double
    Dim targetYCoordInPoints As Double
    Dim selectedShape As Shape

    ' Check if any shape is selected
    If ActiveSelection.Shapes.Count > 0 Then
    ' Get the selected shape
    Set selectedShape = ActiveSelection.Shapes(1)

    ' Ask the user for the target Y-coordinate in millimeters
    targetYCoordInMillimeters = InputBox("Enter the target Y-coordinate (in millimeters):", "Move Object")

    ' Check if the user provided a valid numeric value
    If IsNumeric(targetYCoordInMillimeters) Then
    ' Convert millimeters to CorelDRAW internal units (points)
    targetYCoordInPoints = targetYCoordInMillimeters / (ActiveDocument.Unit * 25.4)

    ' Calculate the new Y-coordinate to center the object
    Dim currentYCoord As Double
    currentYCoord = selectedShape.PositionY + selectedShape.SizeHeight / 2
    Dim newYCoord As Double
    newYCoord = targetYCoordInPoints - selectedShape.SizeHeight / 2

    ' Move the selected shape to the new Y-coordinate while keeping its center aligned
    selectedShape.PositionY = newYCoord
    MsgBox "Invalid input. Please enter a numeric value.", vbExclamation, "Error"
    End If
    MsgBox "No object selected. Please select an object and run the macro again.", vbExclamation, "Error"
    End If
    End Sub

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