Wrong font rendering

I don't know why, but with this font, coreldraw renders the character set incorrectly. if I convert the same text to curves, it will be corrected and the character set should look like this. it is a regular font. is it possible to fix it? when I can't see the correct proportions of the font, I have trouble working with it and constantly converting everything to curves is annoying. when I installed the font in the system, everything was fine, but after restarting coreldraw, the font changed in the entire project. this font does not have this problem in the system itself or in other programs. only coreldraw does it.

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  • I don't have an answer, but I can feel your pain.  One of our big customers is the state university in our town.  When they re-branded a few years ago they gave us copies of their official fonts.  Both show up on-screen in a lighter weight than they should.  They output correctly to printers, laser engravers, or PDFs but are just plain wrong on-screen. 

    Those fonts also do a weird thing where if I go to edit existing text, often the screen doesn't refresh correctly.  That is, when I select some text and hit backspace or delete, it disappears as one would expect, but when I begin to typing in the new text, nothing appears.  The cursor moves along as I type, but no copy is visible until I CTRL-W to refresh the screen.  It only happens with those two families of fonts that were supplied by the customer.

    Hopefully there's a Corel Hero out there that can help us out.

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