i downloaded the subscription to 22/23 corel graphics suite (doesn't look much different than my X8) i thought the trace feature had been improved....looks and performs the same as my X8?
The new trace engine is virtually unusable now compared to earlier versions, though. It's several orders of magnitude slower and doesn't render any better results than previous versions.
Case in point:
I had a relatively easy and simple file to trace. I started the trace in 2022 and it was taking forever, so I opened CorelDRAW 2019 loaded the file, traced it, exported the results and closed 2019...and the 2022 trace of the exact same file still had 10 mins remaining according to the countdown. I kid you not. SAME EXACT file and it took a tiny fraction of the time...and that includes starting an older version and exporting it. I ask you this: Exactly what was the supposed "upgrade" when older versions were faster and gave precisely the same bloody result? Corel upgraded NOTHING. The new trace engine is a DOWNGRADE if anything. It absolutely sucks and I don't bother using it anymore. I keep 2019 around and use that instead for traces because otherwise I would be waiting around for 20 minutes ten times a day. :FACEPALM:
That's not the case on my systems, it may be for underpowered, poorly configured systems.
Hmmm... So you're saying the 32 cores on my dual Xeon workstation with 128GB of RAM and dual Quadro's isn't fast enough for a 2D vector graphics app... RIIIGHHTTTT.... :eyeroll:
I'm not buying the bridge you're selling buddy. Try again.
I would suggest that Xeon and the quadro may be your issues. For some reason CorelDRAW and Xeon does not play well, the same thing can be said about AMD processors and the Quadro cards.
The Xeon does well for servers and some gaming but CorelDRAW has a bad history with them. I don't know why but I suspect the system BUSS. My corporate architecture clients have relegated Xeon only to their servers, they have moved to i9 for all 2d graphics and 3d rendering. They tell me it's all performance based for them.
Good day to you David,
Doing a search here for Quadro cards I came across this thread. I am moving many CorelDRAW project files to AutoCAD. With AutoCAD sometimes I get these very small horizontal grey breaks visible only on curves, as if there was an "invisible" grey horizontal line bisecting curves. This happens with original ACAD files so its not some artifact from CorelDRAW.
Figures that today all is fine in AutoCAD so no screenshot. As far as functionality AutoCAD is fine, its only annoying to me. It seems AutoCAD has some issues with NVidia GeForce cards which is what I have.
So what does this have to do with CorelDRAW?
I found it is suggested to use an NVidia Quadro workstation cards rather than a GeForce card for best performance in AutoCAD. As these cards are older I found a great deal on a Quadro M4000 - 8 GB GDDR5 - PCIe 3.0 x16 - 4 x DisplayPort card and ordered it.
Now I'm wondering, while I'm wanting to solve what is only an annoying display artifact in AutoCAD am I going to create an issue with CorelDRAW?
David Milisock said:Xeon and the quadro may be your issues
Would this be the combination Xeon & Quadro and not specifically Quadro?
Sorry for the lengthy post as I needed a break to clear my brain from dealing with all splines in AutoCAD from the CorelDRAW export to DXF / DWG - in many instances export to PDF works better in this regard. I even tried CorelCAD but AutoCAD still opens the 'native' DWG file with splines.
Thanks and Cheers!