Annoying bug when working with curvers!

Hey, okay, I was working all my life with x3 now started to work with x8, and I found out strange curves bending:

So working with circle shape is tragedy for me, to avoid this crap I should add additional nodes, or correct those bending by hand, so such a things taking a lot of time...

Any solutions?

  • And also if you move object from the place with "shape tool" the same horrible thing happens ;

  • Suku, if the nodes are "smooth", this is how it was designed. What  want is Cusp nodes. 

    Regardless of what type of nodes the object is comprised of, I would expect the shape to be retained as is. It definitely is a bug.

    According with your point of view, the "elastic mode" should be also a bug. But not, it was a feature introduced several years ago. Maybe you don't like it but it's not a bug since it was designed deliberated as is. And if you choose "cusp" nodes, it works fine.

    if you use "Cusp" nodes, there's no problem when move. The only problem is that your'e using "smooth" nodes. A simple explanation, and a simple solution. See the attached image. using cusp nodes there's not any problem at all.

    So, the question is... why nodes are "smooth" instead "cusp"? because the original shape was a circle.  try with rectangles, stars or any other shape with straight lines, and there's no such problems, because straight lines use cusp nodes. 

    Maybe default nodes after should change to "cusp" always. Maybe you don't like. But this is a feature request, not a bug. 

  • Ariel, you are just confusing the issue with unrelated context.

    According with your point of view, the "elastic mode" should be also a bug.

    No one said anything about elastic nodes supposedly being a bug. You are assuming that I did.

    So, the question is... why nodes are "smooth" instead "cusp"?

    No one asked why nodes are smooth instead of cusp.You are assuming I want cusps instead of smooth nodes.

    try with rectangles, stars or any other shape with straight lines, and there's no such problems, because straight lines use cusp nodes.

    No one said anything about straight lines.You are comparing circles to rectangles. OMG. WHY?!?

    You are just turning a blind eye to what has been so very explicitly illustrated using videos and images in this thread.

    It is easy for anyone with a basic knowledge of CorelDRAW to see what is being discussed.  It is absolutely incredulous that this is beyond the comprehension of a 'CorelMaster'.

    You are arguing your point just for the sake of doing so.
    You are in effect saying that a set of nodes cannot be moved around unless they are all cusps..That's just preposterous.

    I can see you tried this out for yourself..
    When you moved it, you noticed the shape changes. You noticed that!
    Then you changed the smooth nodes to cusps and moved it around,
    Eureka! The shape didn't change
    That is a workaround to the BUG.

    if you use "Cusp" nodes, there's no problem when move. The only problem is that your'e using "smooth" nodes. A simple explanation, and a simple solution. See the attached image. using cusp nodes there's not any problem at all.

    Exactly! You AGREE there Is a problem, but then present an explanation to the contrary.

    There is no shame in admitting  you are wrong, instead of arguing the issue into submission.

    This is not a feature request. This is a bug. Period.

  • This is not a feature request. This is a bug. Period.

    I agree with Suku. I think that this is a bug, plain and simple - and a serious one.

    Looking at it, it appears to me that the problem is not cusp vs. smooth, but the fact that some of the smooth nodes are reported as symmetrical - even though they are obviously not symmetrical.

    Here's a screenshot of a curve that was created starting with a simple Rectangle and Ellipse, then using Boundary.

    Note that the selected node is obviously not symmetrical, but reports as being symmetrical. If any editing is done to that node, even trying to drag a control point a tiny bit, then POW - it assumes a symmetrical shape, and the circular profile around that node goes all wonky.

    It that selected node and its "sister node" on the opposite side are selected and converted to Smooth nodes, then the geometry responds as it should when nodes are selected and dragged - no wonkiness.

    An obviously non-symmetrical node is tagged as a symmetrical node, so that geometry goes wonky when any editing is performed? Bug, plain and simple.

    Creation and manipulation of Curve shapes is the foundation of a lot of the tasks that CorelDRAW is used for. That part of the program should be ROCK SOLID.

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