Invalid Serial Number


I bought CorelDraw Graphic Suite X4 box pack yesterday from an authorised dealer (I'm from India) and tried installing it. However I am told my Serial number is invalid. I tried contacting Corel on their website, but it won't let me register as the registration form just doesn't show the fields I need to fill in, no matter where I open the site, at whatever time of the day.

Please help. How can I get in touch with Support?



No Data
  • HI!

    Edward - I checked the 0 and O mixup - they are in their place.

    Anand - There is no email address in the form - only a url which displays the PDF copy of that form.

    I have contacted my distributor and they asked me to send the registration copy to them, so they can get a serial number and send it to me.

    Thanks for the quick replies.

