Fillet DXF polylines to CorelX4

When I import fillet  DXF polylines (made by Autocad) to Corel X4  all polylines are just as outlines and all corners are opened. Please some tips for the problem.


Mikko from Finland



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  • Hi Mikko

    As far as my knowledge goes, all the lines from autocad files are imported separately. You need to treat the lines. I do it this way.

    Select similar objects with find and replace. (Black lines in your case). Find all objects and combine. Now from arrange menu select close path to join the nearest nodes. Now you can either keep is as it is or break apart if required.

    Hope this gives you the results as you desire. Tell me if I need to clarify in details.

    neercs said:
    When I import fillet  DXF polylines (made by Autocad) to Corel X4  all polylines are just as outlines and all corners are opened. Please some tips for the problem.


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