What do YOU use your CorelDRAW for?

Not sure if this post has come up before, but here goes:

What does everyone use their CorelDRAW for -- be it version 3 to the new and improved X5 -- from professional applications to just fiddle-farting around with it?

I guess I could start.  I do laser engraving in a trophy shop in the Pacific Northwest.  My materials are coated metals, acrylics, glass, plastic, and rubber for stamps.  I do both raster burning and vector cutting.  I have been using CorelDRAW for the last 11 years and although I also have Adobe Illustrator CS and PaintShop Pro on my system, I always use my Corel for 98% of my work.

  • Fantastic post Graewerld!

    It was '99 and I was the guy many came to when they needed to blow their own car doors off with some boomin' BASS. A couple 12 inch woofers and a Punch amp should do. Business was great and my wife thought I was nuts when I went out and spent $534 bucks on CorelDraw Graphics suite. I mean I barely even knew how to use a computer.

    I was kinda tired of slicing my hands up daily installing car stereos even though I was really good at it. I had a new idea and just went with it.

    Well, Here we are 10 years later. Business in great and I haven't installed many a car stereo since, even though I still get the occasional "Hey, aren't you that guy that does the Car Audio Systems?" I've since used CorelDraw to create many different products and love it. Although I have many new tools in my digital toolbox that I absolutely cannot do without, CorelDraw is by far my favorite one to use.

    The best thing about it is that  the learning never stops, and the rabbit hole can go as deep as you let it.


  • I work in PHOTO-PAINT (currently X4) most of the time (because I'm an amateur photographer) and I think that it's really the best raster image editor. My favourite program! Especially considering its functionality/price ratio I beleive it's the software number one for serious postprocessing of photos. I also want to learn CorelDRAW but (unfortunately) currently have no enough time - all evenings and holydays are devoted to the main hobby :)