Problems with Exporting Image Resized

I'm having some problems making web items with CD X4.  I create an object the size I want, 960 x 150 px, lay everything up the way I want and then
File > Publish to Web > Web Image Optimizer and the optimizer has a split screen and lists the original as 838 x 130 px.  

What shrunk it?  I want it full size.

Parents Reply
  • LittleGreenDots said:
    I need a banner 960px by 159px

    Just an image, with no HTML text? I would not use publish to web for that. X4 has some limitations, but should be capable. In X4:

    • Set the exact page size:

    The important setting is units = pixels. Also set the resolution to 96dpi. You'll see why later. Also set width and size.

    • While you are in the page settings, also click "add page frame" before OK.

    So now you have a page size that is correct for your finished banner and already has one object -- the page frame.

    • Either fill the page frame (if you want a solid background) or leave it transparent.
    • Important: set the page frame outline to none. In X4, half the outline is outside the object, so if you leave it on it will make the design a few pixels bigger than you intended.
    • For convenience, right click on the page frame and LOCK it to prevent accidentally selecting or moving it

    Design your banner wholly inside the text frame, and then export it to jpg (or gif, but the screen might be different) ...

    Two things to note here: set the units to pixels and the resolution to 96 (it must be the same value as when you created the file).

    Check the width and height. It should already be correct. If it is not, then either you do not have a page frame, or the resolution is not the same value as when you defined the page size, or some objects are extending outside the page frame.

    Usually for the web you do not want the ICC profile -- it makes the file larger, and so far no browser uses it.

    On the next screen you get a chance to set the compression, according to whether you want the smallest file or the best quality).

    And now you should have your image, in exactly your chosen size.

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