How do I apply the same drop shadow to multiple objects?

I found a thread telling me to use the Clone Effect under the Effect menu but I can't select anything in either Clone or Copy Effect. All options are greyed out. So, how do I use it? I've tried selecting the object, just the drop shadow and both the object and drop shadow together but I'm not given the option to copy or clone. BTW, I'm using X7.

  • You cannot clone or copy effect on multiple objects at a time. You may have to select the object on which you wish to copy the effect and go to Effects > Copy effect and choose the desired effect to get an arrow to be clicked on the object from where you need to copy the effect. Process for cloning an effect is same.
    BTW you will find the options grey out if 1) There is no object available with effect applied to it and can be copied to another object. 2) Multiple objects are selected which need to be applied with an effect.
    • That's what I was trying to do. I have a bunch of images that I wanted to apply the same drop shadow to. I created my DS on one of the images, then selected that image but I'm unable to clone or copy any of the effects. The only thing I can do is "Clear Drobshadow"
      • One way is select the new object you want to set a drop shadow for and then hit this button. you'll get an arrow to select what shadow you want to copy, click on the shadow you already created.

        • click on the drop shadow you created and with the drop shadow tool selected hit the + next to the preset drop down. name it then select all the images you want and with the drop shadow tool click on the preset drop down and choose your drop.
          • Finally I get it! And I always tried to click on the object instead of the shadow and wondered why I got the message "you did not click on an object. do you want to try again?". Then I thought, I try to hit the outline - same message again. Next object - same message again... [:$]

            • Myron has suggested a workaround. I too use that.
          • You could create and save your own "drop shadow preset" with the parameters of your choosing then select all shapes/objects you want to shadow and hit the drop shadow tool and choose your preset.