Need help with a macro

I have created a macro for X4. My question is, I want to have a symbol per letter. So one symbol will be A, another symbol will be B, etc. So someone can type in a word, click a button and it shows all the symbols they chose.

I am guessing I save each symbol separate with a filename of like symbol_a, but how do you get it to identify what you typed to the letter and to display each letter/symbol out in a line?

Right now if I click the button, it imports a letter(symbol) showing it, but there aren't any tutorials showing how to use a textbox. I am assuming I would grab the text with something like TextBox1.Text = "Data imported successfully"


  • This might help. You'd have to set up 26 or more different scenarios to cover the alphabet and any punctuation marks etc.
    This will find all registration symbols and set them to superscript. Might be able to adapt it to replace your characters.
    May not be of any help at all. If that's the case someone will steer ya right. LOL

    Sub CharacterToSuperscript()
    Optimization = True
    Dim p As Page, s As Shape, t As TextRange, sr As ShapeRange
    Dim i&, myReplaceFont$, myCharacterToFind$, j&

    myCharacterToFind = "®"
    myReplaceFont = "Arial"

    j = ActiveDocument.ActivePage.Index
    For Each p In ActiveDocument.Pages
    Set sr = ActivePage.Shapes.FindShapes(, cdrTextShape)
    For Each s In sr
    For i = 1 To s.Text.Story.Characters.Count
    Set t = s.Text.Story.Characters(i)
    If t = myCharacterToFind Then s.Text.FontPropertiesInRange(i, 1).Position = cdrSuperscriptFontPosition
    Next i
    Next s
    Next p
    Optimization = False
    End Sub
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