Anybody happy with the CorelDraw 2017 running in Windows7

I am thinking of upgrading to the Corel 2017 and downloaded the trial version of the program and now my preview in my Corel X5 and also in the trial version of 2017 is not showing me the preview of any Vector based graphics. Anybody else had this problem and have you found a fix for it

I got in touch with support and they are working on my problem


  • I use CorelDRAW for almost all my daily work, and I'm very happy with the global performance of the program. About the preview, it's a common issue (it happens sometimes, with almost all versions) and it's relative to the "Windows Shell extension" and the assotiation with CorelDRAW. Usually, the fastest solution is to select a CDR file, right click, "open with..." but don't select any program, but choose "use other..." and on the following list, choose CorelDRAW and enable "use this program as default"

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  • I tried uninstalling the Trial version but it won't let me, it gives me an error of not being able to find either the disk or the program, eventhough I can use the program)

    That sound as the reason of the problem. Maybe there was an error during installation or some conflict with Windows libraries. Check if you have installed all Windows updates, specially the .NET framework