Macros in corel...


i was wondering, where i could find some useful macros for corel x4! i found some, but i must pay them...?


And, i was trying to make my own macro, but with no success! Let's say i have 20 pictures on workspace. And i would like to all get 2mm frame, size 4x6cm (about resizing, i would do it maunaly).

and another question, how would i set up macro, to export each of these pictures as jpg, under diferent name... (exp Picture1, Picture2,...)?


do i need a lot of programing knowledge to make such macros?


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  • A Google search isn't a bad start...

    It lists most of those commonly known to the group here and a few more.

    "Do i need a lot of programing knowledge to make such macros?"

    I would say yes. I don't think you become OS or Alex over a weekend. Probably having some formal training in Java, which is the normal starting point for newbies, helps to understand basic stuff like arrays and object code is a start.

    Depends, I need formal disipline or I've discovered I can stuff around forever and miss the important keys. I think if you read the CVs of those that are good at it most if not all have formal training in some computer language.
