Edit Pdf file in coreldraw

Hi all,

Is it possible to edit the pdf file in coreldraw X4?

Sometimes, i received a pdf file from my client and i need to recreated the article which needed to change the text and picture from the pdf.


  • In most cases, yes -- I do this almost daily at the moment. But be aware that some PDFs won't open at all in Corel Draw, many will not place text with the proper font and/or character placement (see explanation below), and a lot of files will come up with white or black (or both) overlays over the whole, which you can painstakingly delete (if you see all white or all black, switch to wire frame view to get a hint of what is there).

    As for text, if the font required is not on your system it is hit or miss. If the font is embedded in the file it sometimes seems to work, but is not 100% reliable. If the font is NOT embedded in the file, Adobe Reader pulls a real cheat that many are not aware of---Adobe Reader itself silently generates a replacement font that apparently is encrypted or something--you can see a couple of Adobe font (AdobeSans I think and one other one), but YOU can't install them or use them, but Adobe Reader CAN and does only to permit display. Those internal-only to Adobe Reader fonts are, I believe, Adobe's otherwise abandoned multiple master technology, and maybe have other special hooks as well, to permit a very respectable font substitution that fools the eye into thinking they are looking at the real thing. At this time, Adobe Reader is the ONLY program which can access that silent and correct (in terms of character placement and sizing) substitution.

    And of course, in all cases you will encounter "printer constructs" of graphic elements. For instance the files I receive at the moment for one project (3 so far today--before 8:00 AM!) often contains constructs where all 0.75 point lines in the entire drawing are one element--totally unrelated items that have become on "curve" with maybe 75 subpaths all over the place. And, in some cases (depends very much on the program that created the original source), an arc or full circle/ellipse may be made of many tiny straight line segments.

    So it's pot luck as to the probability of success.

    arielcheah wrote:

    Hi all,

    Is it possible to edit the pdf file in coreldraw X4?

    Sometimes, i received a pdf file from my client and i need to recreated the article which needed to change the text and picture from the pdf.



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