X4 undo shortcut key

Good day

I was wondering if anyone else has the problem of the shortcut key ctrl+z not working after X4 has been running for awhile? It still works at EDIT/UNDO. If I restart the progarm the shortcut key works for a bit then back to using the EDIT/UNDO command.




  • I never see any problem like this whith Ctrl+Z

    Garrett said:
    the shortcut key ctrl+z not working after X4 has been running for awhile

    This sound like a problem with the free system resources. I saw something similar with other programs, for example, if you open a lot of programs, files, or windows (with Firefox or Explorer) sometimes some keyboard shortcuts will deactivate, because there's a problem with the free resources. But not all shortcuts, and not all at the same time. Since Ctrl+Z is a common keyboard shortcut for all Windows programs, sounds logic that was one of the first commands deactivacted, and if you close programs or restart the computer, with more free resources all shortcuts works fine. Note, this is not problem with the amount of RAM of the computer, only the Windows management

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