I have a problem with printing in X5

I have a problem with printing in X5. All the documents I've worked in X4
when I print the X5 have a problem with the colors, they are not the same with X4.
help me please.

Printing with:

HP inkjet 110 A0
Riso RZ370, RZ590 A3
Epson inkjet 1400 A3
Canon laser
LBP5200 A4
HP laser 1010 A4

  • PLease help!!!!

    My initial file is cymk workspace but i want to print in grayscale to my Riso EZ370 - i have no idea which setting is the best as my manual dont explain the various options to me

    like dotscreen 10%; 15%; 20% or 30% - which one used ore dots ot less?

    And does colorimetric have in influence on grayscale printing?

    what is the difference in output between the various gary gamma's?


    anyone who can give me pointers? of rever me to a site that explains all these options?

    Much appreciated!


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