scaling problems in Corel X5?

I upgraded to Corel X5 from x3 a month ago... and is anyone else experiencing the following problems and found a resolution?

• when to a scale of a group of objects and bitmaps, it seriously distorts the object and is unrecoverable. can only not save the file, reopen & backsave to x3. Get on another computer with Corel X3 and open the file, do the scale with no problems, save. Then reopen on original computer in Corel X5 and continue to use.

• when a object is placed off the page onto the rest of the work space it gets inadvertently transferred to Desktop layer as soon as you switch to another page or save the drawing. This happens even if the Desktop layer is locked. You then have to unlock the layer and move the object back into the page before you can move it to another layer.

Any suggestions on resolution would help

Anthony Garcia

Allied Signs

  • Anthony Garcia said:

    • when to a scale of a group of objects and bitmaps, it seriously distorts the object and is unrecoverable. can only not save the file, reopen & backsave to x3. Get on another computer with Corel X3 and open the file, do the scale with no problems, save. Then reopen on original computer in Corel X5 and continue to use.


    Sorry I am two years late to the dance, but was this part of the question ever answered? I am having the same issue and I am about to pull the few remaining hairs I have out. A google search brought me to this thread.


    I have discovered that if I select the grouped objects, that I can recover by clearing transformations, but not by using the back function.

    What a odd thing.

    Any help would be appreciated


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