Color difference when output as jpeg

When I export an artwork as jpeg, the color in the preview window is different from my workspace. 

When I open the exported jpeg with Windows Picture and Fax Viewer, it display the color different from both export preview and workspace.

When I export as pdf, there is no difference between the workspace display and acrobat reader display.


Any idea what is the issue?


  • stusee is mostly right, however not exactly:

    1) the difference between your workspace and Export to JPEG preview : according to your screen capture you export to CMYK Jpeg, most likely the object in the document is RGB, the difference is due to RGB vs CMYK gamut. If by any chance your document's color is CMYK, not RGB - the Export to Jpeg preview dialog uses .NET imaging component, which is fully color managed, however it had problems with correctly displaying CMYK images prior .NET 4.x. If you do not keep your XP system up-to-date and you do not have .NET 4.x installed you might get inaccurate CMYK preview. This problem is extremely rare though and can be easily fixed by running MS updates - sound idea regardless of color management.

    2) the difference between  Draw workspace, Acrobat and Picture and Fax viewer. As stusee mentioned Draw X5 and Adobe Acrobat are fully color managed applications and they will use monitor color profile from OS CM settings automatically. Another examples of fully color managed applications that work this way are Vista Picture Viewer, PhotoShop, Illustrator, InDesign, Safary, Firefox, IE9, FoxIt PDF Viewer, PDF XChange. XP Picture and Fax viewer is not color managed at all, the same is true for IE below 9, Chrome, Opera, MS Paint, etc - they do not use color correction at all and send raw RGB numbers directly to the screen, they have even bigger problems displaying CMYK images, as they can not convert CMYK to RGB correctly.

    3) You can use Proofing docker functionality in X5 to quickly preview how content would look without monitor color correction.  I doubt anybody would be interested to know how the image would look in XP Picture and Fax viewer, however it is useful if you do web design and would like to see how the content will look on your monitor in non-color managed browser like IE8 or Chrome. Go to Tools/Color Proof Settings... In the Color Proof Settings docker on the right select your monitor color profile in the "Simulate environment checkbox", check "Preserve RGB numbers" box and check "Proof colors" box. Now Draw or PP will send RGB numbers directly to the screen, bypassing monitor color correction. If you are not sure what your monitor color profile is - go  to the Tools/Color Management/Document Color Settings, expand RGB profiles combobox, and take note what is the first profile in the "Monitor profiles" group - this is the profile Draw and PP are using for monitor color correction.


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