installation problem

hello all

i  installed corel draw x4 on windows xp sp2 successfully. after updating my OS, I tried to install corel draw x4 & x5 & corel video studio x3, but my installation page is empty & the button texts are not seen.

i read the below link, but my problem not solved yet. pleas help me.


  • Hello,

    I have the same problem with installing coreldraw  x5 and x3 (same x3 works on win XP SP2) on win 7 ultimate 32bit. Tried everything I could find on google and no solution whatsoever.

    Where is the text for the agreement? the box to accept the terms is check-able but the next button doesn't work :( Why? What is EN.htm ?? when I exit the setup my screen blinks a few times .....

    H E L P !

    Genius needed !!!

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