Changing color of application window


Can anyone tell me if it is possible to change the background color of the application window ?

I would like the  whole area outside the drawing window (the drawing page) to be grey, so that it can be clearly distiinguished from the actual drawing page, which is white, with a shadow line around the drawing page.

Is this possible?


Thanks for any tips.

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  • toymaker1 said:


    Can anyone tell me if it is possible to change the background color of the application window ?

    I would like the  whole area outside the drawing window (the drawing page) to be grey, so that it can be clearly distiinguished from the actual drawing page, which is white, with a shadow line around the drawing page.

    Is this possible?

    Thanks for any tips.



    This question has come up many times. Work arounds have been suggested in the other posts but tend to be more hassle than they're worth.

    Hopefully this simple feature will be added to X6.

